Thursday, September 29, 2011

The thing with the lady....

nuff said...

....and yes, i still can't make a good picture to save my life.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Go skate!

How could i almost forget this one. Did this one a while ago on a friend, it's a small one, but awesome and superfun to do!

now go skate!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hello world.

Holy mother of crap, it's been a long time!

I've been busy as hell the past year, and at one point decided not to update this blog anymore. That having said, lately i started feeling the love again, so below are just a couple of highlights of the stuff i've been doing this past year. There's tons more, but i don't want to flood the blog with it, so just enjoy a handpicked few for now.

Expect more updates.

Catching up: Part VII - more lettering!

Catching up: Part VI - Lettering, gotta love it!

Catching up: Part V

Catching up: Part IV

Catching up Part III

Catching up: Part II

catching up: Part I