Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Still alive...

I'm still alive and working my ass off.. This blog is in desperate need of an overhaul so i can post some more stuff with a better frequency than every six months or so... In the mean time, check out our facebook page, wich is updated daily:

Or go follow me on instagram @yhcpaul

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Winds of change

Holy shit it's been a year ago since i updated this thing! I've been busy as hell the past year working my ass off, and lots of stuff has been happening. For one thing, i am proud to announce that i opened my own shop in the lovely city of Alkmaar in northern holland! It has been a week since i started workin there, and there's still a lot to be done, but slowly and steadily we're getting there, and i'm loving every second of it! As soon as i can find the time, i'll post some highlights of tattoos i've done over the past year, but for now you'll have to do with some pics of the new shop.
And i know, i made this promise before, but for the future i will try to post more. Really.... Seriously, really, i will. Hope to see you soon!